Aesop's Fables Edited by Charles Stikeney.

A Dog once had a nice piece of meat for his
dinner. Some say that it was stolen, but
others, that it had been given him by a butcher
which, we will hope, was the case.
  Dogs like best to eat at home, and he went
trotting along with the meat in his mouth, as
happy as a king.
  On his way there was a stream to cross, and
as the water was still and clear, he stopped 
to take a look at it.  What should he see, as
he gazed into its bright depths, but a dog as
big as himself, looking up at him, and lo! the
dog had meat in his mouth.
   "I'll try to get that," said he;  "then what
a feast I shall have."  As quick as thought he
snapped at the meat, but in doing so he had
to open his mouth, and his own piece fell to
the bottom of the stream.
   Then he saw that the other dog had lost his
piece, too.  He went sadly home. That  day
he had only his thoughts to dine upon.  What
do you think they were?
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