Aesop's Fables Edited by Charles Stikeney.



JUPITER   having  determined, it  is  said,  to
appoint  a  sovereign  over  the  birds,   pro-
clamation   was  made  that,  on  a  certain day,
the  candidates  should choose the most beauti-
ful to be king.
   The  Jackdaw,  knowing  his  own  ugliness,
yet wishing  to  rule  over  the  birds,  searched
through  woods  and  fields  for  feathers  which
had fallen  from  the  wings  of his  companions,
and stuck  them  all  over  his  body.
   When  the  appointed  day  arrived,  and  the
birds  had  assembled,  the  Jackdaw  made  his
appearance in his many-feathered finery,   and
Jupiter proposed to make him  king.
   Upon seeing this,  the  birds  were  indignant,
and, plucking each from the Jackdaw his own
feathers,  the  proposed  king was left  a  plain
Jackdaw  with  no  claim  to beauty.

   Hope  not  to succeed  in  borrowed plumes.



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