Aesop's Fables Edited by Charles Stikeney.

A Fisherman  had  been toiling  all  day, and
had  caught nothing.
   "I will make one more effort,"  thought he,
"and then I must go home."
   He threw in his line, and soon drew up  a
very  small perch.
   The little Fish was terribly frightened  when
he found himself  out  of  water,  and  with  a
sharp  hook sticking in his mouth; and he said
to the Fisherman.
   "O  sir,  take  pity  upon  me, and throw  me
into   the  water  again!    See  what  a   little
thing I am, I should not make one mouthful
for you now: but if you leave me in the water,
I shall grow large and stout, and then  I shall
be  worth catching.   You  can  make  a dinner
of me, or sell me for a good price."
   "Ah!" said  the  Fisherman, "it is true  you
are small, but I have you safely now.   If   I
should throw  you back,  I might never catch
you again.   I will keep you;" and he put  the
little Fish into his basket, and took him  home
with him.
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