Aesop's Fables Edited by Charles Stikeney.

A Crow stole a piece of cheese one day, and
flew with it up into a tree, so as to eat it  at
her leisure.
   As she sat there, holding it in her beak, a
Fox chanced to pass by,  and, looking up, saw
her.  "How good that cheese smells,"  thought
he; "I'll have it, sure as I'm a Fox.'
   Coming close  to  the  tree,  he  said,  "Dear
Madam, what a beautiful creature you are!  I
was  not  aware  till  his  moment  what  rare
beauty  your family  possesses.   What  eyes!
What glossy feathers! What grace of  form!
Is your voice as charming to hear, as your
person  is  to  look  upon?  If  it  is,  you  well
deserve  to  be  called  the Queen of Birds. Will
you not do me the favor to sing to me?"
   Now it is well known that the Caw!  Caw!
of the Crow family  is  not  musical. She ought
to have been on her guard,  but  so  delighted
was she with the  flattery  of the Fox that  she
forgot  to  be  wary.  She opened her  mouth to
show  the  Fox  the  sweetness  of  her   voice,
when---down fell the bit  of  cheese, which was
exactly what was expected.
   The Fox  ate  it at one mouthful, then  stop-
ped to say, "Thank you, madam.   I am quite
satisfied.  Your  voice  is  well  enough, I have
no doubt.   What a pity it is you are  so sadly
wanting in wit!"

   Be on your guard when people flatter you.

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