Aesop's Fables Edited by Charles Stikeney.

A Wolf  met  a  Dog,  and,  seeing  that  he
looked   fat  and  sleek, said  to  him,  "How
does  it  happen,  my friend, that  you are so
plump,  while  I,  although  I run  after game
day and night, am half starved?"
   "Why," said  the  Dog,  "I  do  not have to
run after my food.  I only guard  the house at
night, and all the family pet me, and feed  me
with scraps from their own plates.  Come and
live with me, and you shall be as well off  as
I am."
   "That  I  should  like,"  said  the  Wolf.  "I
will at least go  with you, and try the life."
   As they trotted along the road together, the
Wolf saw a mark on the Dog's neck, and asked
him what it was.
   "Oh, that is nothing," said the Dog; "only
a  little  mark  made  by  the  fretting  of   my
   "Do you  mean to say that you are ever tied
   "Why, yes," said the Dog; "they tie me  in
the  day  time, but  at  night I can go where   I
   "Good by," said the Wolf; "that is  enough
for me.  Though I may not be fat, I will  at
least be free."
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