Aesop's Fables Edited by Charles Stikeney.

A  War  Horse,  all  ready  for  battle,  with
his   splendid  saddle  and  jingling   bridle,
came   galloping  along  the  road,  his  hoofs
sounding like thunder  on  the  hard  ground.
   A  poor  old  Ass, with  a heavy load on his
back, was going slowly down the same road.
   "Out of my way," said the War Horse, "or
I will trample you in the dust!"
   The  poor  Ass  made room for  him as fast
as he could,  and  the  Horse went proudly on
his way.
   Not  long  after  this the Horse  was shot in
the eye; and, as he was no longer fit for  the
army, his fine saddle and bridle were  taken
off,  and he  was sold to  a farmer who made
him drag heavy loads.
   The Ass, meeting him soon after, knew him,
and called out.   "Aha!  Is  it  you?  I  thought
pride would have a fall some day."
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