Aesop's Fables Edited by Charles Stikeney.

A Widow   who  had  great  reputation  as  a
housekeeper,  because  she  was  so fond  of
cleaning, was waited upon by two little  Maid-
   She waked before the dawn herself, and at
cock-crowing rose and called her little  Maids.
   The Maidens,  who  had  no  taste  for such
excessive tidiness, and who were kept  weary
by such  constant  labor, held  a spite  against
the  poor  cock,  for  rousing  their mistress so
early.   "If  it  were  not  for  him,"  they  said,
"she  would  sleep t ill the sun is well up.   Let
us  kill  the cock,  since there is  no  other way
to stop his loud crowing."
   But   the  mistress,  no  longer  hearing   the
cock, was unable to tell  the time, and so often
woke her  Maidens  in the middle of the  night,
and set them at work.
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