Aesop's Fables Edited by Charles Stikeney.

A Most  rapacious Eagle  had  his  eyrie  on a
lofty  rock.   Sitting  there,  he  could   watch
the  movements of the  animals  he wished to
make  his  prey, and, waiting  his opportunity,
seize them  and  bear  them  away.
   The  poor  creatures had no protection from
such a foe.   But  an  archer  saw  him one day
watching  from  his place of concealment,  the
movements of  an  unsuspicious hare; and, tak-
ing  aim,  he  wounded him mortally.
   The  Eagle  gave one look at the  Arrow  that
had   entered   his  heart,  and   saw   that   its
feathers   had   been   furnished   by    himself,
when  descending   to  secure  prey.
   "Ah!"  he  said,   "it  is a double grief  that  I
should perish by  an  Arrow  feathered from my
own wing."
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