Aesop's Fables Edited by Charles Stikeney.

 AN Ass,  laden  with  choice  provision  of
several sorts, was on his way to the filed.
His  master  and  the  reapers  were  at  work
there,  and  the  provision  that he carried was
for  the  entertainment  of  man  and  beast.
   Seeing  a  large,  strong  thistle  by  the  road-
side,  he  stopped  to  eat  it.  "Many  people
would wonder," thought he, "that, with such
dainty  food  upon  my  back,  I should  have
appetite  for  the  despised  thistle;  but to me
the  bitter,  prickly  weed  has  a  more  savory
relish  than  anything  else  in  the  world.  Let
other choose  what they will,  but  give me a
fine, juicy thistle like this, and I will be con-

   Every one to his taste.   It is wisely ordered
that what one rejects should be the choice of
   A wise man has said that a weed is a plant
that people have not yet found out the use 

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