Aesop's Fables Edited by Charles Stikeney.

 A  Stag,  whose  joints  had  become stiff  with
age,  was  at  great pains  to  gather   together
a  supply  of  food,----enough, as he thought, for
the remainder  of  his  days.
   He  stretched  himself  upon  it,  in  a  quiet,
sunny  corner of his  pasture-ground, and now
dozing,  now  nibbling,  was  passing a happy
old age.
   He  had  been  a  favorite  among his  com-
panions, and  they  came  now,  often, and in
great  numbers,  to  call  upon  him,  and  in
him farewell.  He  made  them  welcome in a
hospitable  manner,  and  each,  as  often  as he
came, helped himself to a little of the food  so
abundantly  provided.
   The  end  of  the  matter  was,  that the poor
Stag  died,  not  so  much  either  of  sickness or
old age, as from want  of  the food  which his
friends had eaten  for  him.

    We  need  to   consider   sometimes,  before
doing  a  thing,  "What  if  every  one  should
do it?"

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