Aesop's Fables Edited by Charles Stikeney.

A Bee made Jupiter  a  present  of  a  pot  of
honey,  which  was  so  kindly taken that  he
bade her ask what she would in exchange.
   The  Bee,  who  was  nursing  a  private spite
for the loss of some of her winter's store, de-
sired of Jupiter that wherever she should set
her sting it might be mortal.
   Jupiter was  loth  to  leave  mankind  at  the
mercy  of  a  little  spiteful  insect,  and  was
annoyed at the ill-nature shown in her wish.
He said,  therefore,  that while, for his  prom-
ise's  sake, he would give her the power  to
harm, she must be careful how she used the
power, for where she planted her sting, she
would leave it, and would thereby lose her
own life.

   Ill  will often does greater harm to the one
who acts from it, than to the one on whom it

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