Aesop's Fables Edited by Charles Stikeney.

A Husbandman  pitched  a  net  in  his  fields,
to take  the  cranes  and  wild  geese   that
came  to  feed  upon the newly-sown corn.
   In  this  net  he  took  several both of  cranes
and geese, and among them, on one occasion,
a Stork.   The cranes and geese accepted their
lot as one of the chances to which such  lives
as theirs were subject;  but  the Stork was  in
very sad case, and pleaded hard for his life.
   Among other reasons why he should not be
put  to  death,  the  Stork  urged  that he  was
neither goose nor crane, but a poor, harmless
Stork, who performed his duty to his parents
as well as ever he could, feeding them  when
they  were  old, and carrying  them, when re-
quired, from  place  to  place  upon his back.
   "All this may be true,"  replied  the   Hus-
bandman;  "but,  as  I  have taken you in bad
company, and in the same crime, you   must
expect to suffer the  same  punishment."

   People  are  judged  by the  company  they

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